SmartDict: Dynamic pointing of values in Python dictionaries
Chain assignment of dictionary values, which can be used to reduce redundancy in configuration dictionaries.
SmartDict: Dynamic pointing of values in Python dictionaries
Chain assignment of dictionary values, which can be used to reduce redundancy in configuration dictionaries.
Oba: Converting a Python iterable object to an attribute class
Converting iterable objects (such as dictionaries, tuples, lists, sets, and subclasses) to access values using class attributes instead of square brackets []
. Supports recursive operations and supports both getting and setting values.
PREC: Boosting Deep CTR Prediction with a Plug-and-Play Pre-trainer for News Recommendation
Aug. 17th, 2022: Got accepted by COLING ‘22! This marks a significant milestone in my research career as it represents the first paper accepted with me as the primary author.
Qijiong LIU, Jieming ZHU, Quanyu DAI, Xiao-Ming WU#
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