Adaptive Image Grid Layout Tool
We introduce a new image layout tool, which can automatically generate fancy image layouts for different image sizes and numbers.
Adaptive Image Grid Layout Tool
We introduce a new image layout tool, which can automatically generate fancy image layouts for different image sizes and numbers.
Pigmento: Colorize and Trace Printing
Pigmento is a Python package that can colorize and trace printing. It can be used to quickly locate the source of the print statement.
Moreover, it supports customizing the style of printing, prefixes, and powerful plugins.
SmartDict: Dynamic pointing of values in Python dictionaries
Chain assignment of dictionary values, which can be used to reduce redundancy in configuration dictionaries.
Oba: Converting a Python iterable object to an attribute class
Converting iterable objects (such as dictionaries, tuples, lists, sets, and subclasses) to access values using class attributes instead of square brackets []
. Supports recursive operations and supports both getting and setting values.